Thursday, October 18, 2012

Some Videos of Me

My first attempt at standup and two parts of the intro to The End of the World Show with me as the devil here and here.



RockPaper Coffee 10/18/12

Hey guys.  Told you I'd be back.  The mic here (at RockPaper Coffee)  was just as good as in any other coffee shop.  More forgiving than the Unurban Cafe and just as awkward as The Daily Grind.  I had a good time here as the host was cool and the comedians were funny.   I still don't get why most comics refuse to clap or laugh at each other when it's just us in the crowd, but it makes it that much better when they do.  I got a few chuckles out of my new jokes and laughs when I knocked the rust off of the older ones.  It's good to be back out doing the Js. The host (whose name I forgot...started with an H...I will mention him in a later post) was nice enough to take a picture of me underneath a disapproving Marvin the Martian.  Coolest photo of me on stage to date.

This mic comes highly recommended to anyone wanting to run through new material on stage.

I found out about this mic from The Comedy Bureau, which is a great tool to use if you want to know the haps in the L.A. comedy scene.  They did not pay me to say that.


In a perfect world, I'd update this thing a few times a week.  Judging by my 4 previous blog attempts, that is unlikely to happen.  I intend to use this space to document things I do in Los Angeles and more specifically the standup comedy scene.  I will provide pictures from my phone and comments from my heart.  Hope someone reads it and likes it all at the same time.  I'm actually at a coffee shop waiting to do an open mic as we speak.  I promise I will post about it later.  Time to look silly while taking pictures.

- jb